Drug time, Hubble Bubble Toil and Trouble.

Started the day here in the Alpujarras with a visit to a favourite client, who is out here on holiday. We usually help to look after his lovely property, but it's always nice to see him socially too.  Today he gave me a gift of a book I have been wanting for ages, as I follow the TV series with relish, not a cookery programme but Grow Your Own Drugs featuring the fabulous James Wong. Turns out he lives a couple of doors away from our friend in London. 

So this afternoon saw us traipsing around for dandelion leaves and plantain leaves, we found both and also lots of delicious wild garlic, sorrel and spent some time showing another holiday-ing neighbour an ancient windmill which we had recently discovered. (Or rather had pointed out to us by another neighbour from Madrid, but that's another story involving a hair raising trek....another time!)

The sun was out, the air balmy in it's warmth, and strolling through the campo admiring the narcissi, orchids, and abundant wild flowers, I realise I actually must run on solar power, and why I love living here so much.  Can't wait until we have summer visitors to our newly restored Moroccan styled retreat, and to share this beautiful unspoilt part of Andalucia with them.

So tomorrow I'll dig out the old cauldron and set to work brewing up a few herbal recipes for cures and ailments...!  The insect repellants have to be worth a go for the zillion flies that take up residence soon, I'll let you know how I get on!
